Our Digital Offer Bag is one of the many solutions we have to increase your cut through and collect better quality leads.
Our Digital Offer Bag is one of the many solutions we have to increase your cut through and collect better quality leads.
For B2B company like yours you simply need to think of something to offer a visitor. You may have an exclusive white paper, or perhaps you have some research you’d like to share with a select audience. Perhaps you’re doing a product launch at OE and would like to invite people to it. You may simply have a goody bag that would like people to pick up from stand. Whatever your offer is, the Digital Goody Bag is the best way to distribute it.
When someone uses EverThere, they input their email address to redeem the offer, becoming a lead! We take it one step further for them post show, and enrich the data. Their email is matched against our registration data and passed to you with more information including name, job title and company name.
You have the potential for your brand and offer to be viewed huge a numbers of times by the event attendees as they review the digital offer bag – even if they don’t accept the offer, you’ll have showcased your brand to them.
Particularly for brands who want to engage more on social media, it’s great for you to use the incentive as a value exchange e.g. if you follow us on Instagram, we’ll give you a free gift, or enter you in the draw for a prize!
You can promote your expertise and thought leadership within the industry by including curated content such as reports, podcasts, webinars or other forms of exclusive educational content.
You can drive traffic to your stand by catching the eye of visitors and buyers with an enticing offer in the bag that encourages them to come to the stand to collect a prize, product sample, tasting or voucher.
Promoting invites in the bag is sure to lead to a higher attendance at an event you’re hosting, such as a party, VIP event, demonstration or presentation, hosted lunch and more.